International Symposium for small horse breeding in Lublin/Poland. The Austrian Representative, Reg.Rat. Ing. Franz Schröder got in contact with Dr. Deskur, responsible for the State Studs and Stallion Depots in southern Poland and was able to visit the Hucul Stud in Siary. Since that time the Austrians were in direct and permanent contact with Dr. Deskur and Dir. Mag. Bazik, the director of Siary.




Reg.Rat. Ing. Franz Schröder participated at the Symposium in Lublin again. After talks with Director Bazik in Siary on June 24, 1989 they decided to hold a Hucul-Symposium in Siary in 1990.




The 1st Hucul Symposium took place in Siary from June 26 to 27, 1990. Participants came from Poland, the Ukraine, Czechoslovakia and Austria.

Poland – Dir.Mag. Bazik, Dr. Deskur, Ing. Kario, Dr. Iwona Wrona, Dr. Smolak
Ukraine – Univ.Prof. Borys N. Gopka
Czechoslovakia – Dr. Otokar Leisky, Dir. Milan Sarissky
Austria – Reg.Rat. Ing. Franz Schröder

The participants agreed to found an international umbrella organization for cross-country cooperation in the preservation of the, due to a very small population, highly endangered Hucul breed.


The first convention was held at the National Stud of Topolcianky (Slovakia) from October 11 to 12, 1990 with the same participants as in the Symposium. The statutes and articles and the joint logo of the umbrella organization was developed under Chairman Dir. Sarissky.




Meeting in Gladyszow/Poland on January 18, 1994
Establishment of the Hucul International Foundation – HIF with nominating Dr. Deskur for president.

Meeting in Gladyszow/Poland on April 21, 1994

1st General Assembly of the HIF from October 28 to 29, 1994 in Balice/Poland

Delegates from Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Austria participated in the assembly. Dr. Deskur was confirmed in his position as president.




General Assembly in Topolcianky/Slovakia on June 8, 1995

For the first time delegates from Romania participated in the assembly. Dr. Blaga and Dr. I. Apachideanu requested the admission of Romania into the HIF. This request was accepted unanimously by the General Assembly.




General Assembly in Aggtelek/Hungary from July 4 to 6, 1996




no General Assembly due to time problems.




General Assembly in Zdynia/Poland from June 26 to 28, 1998

it was decided that:

1. the HIF should safeguard the Agenda of Origin for the Hucul horses according to an EU guideline.

2. the HIF will propose to the EU that the Hucul horse should be taken on the list of “endangered horse breeds” and will apply for subsidies assigned for this purpose.




General Assembly in Topolcianky/Slovakia from October 22 to 24, 1999

The next goal was to register the HIF. This was only possible in an EU member state. The official representatives of the member organizations agreed that in the year.




the HIF was registered as an Association in Austria.

General Assembly in Lucina/Romania from October 27 to 29, 2000

The host of this assembly was Ing. Antal Istvan Janos who is responsible for horse breeding in Romania.




General Assembly in Kasejovice/Czech Republic from October 26 to 28, 2001




General Assembly in Aggtelek/Hungary from October 5 to 7, 2002




General Assembly in Ramsau am Dachstein/Austria from May 16 to 18, 2003

After thorough consultations, the Polish Horse Breeders Association was awarded the Source Herd Book for Hucul horses from the Polish Ministry of Agriculture in agreement with the HIF member organizations. The Polish Horse Breeders Association represents the country of origin with the biggest Hucul population and 4 national studs.




10th General Assembly in Iwkowa/Poland

From May 28 to 30, 2004 the General Assembly was held in Iwkowa, where a new Board of Directors was elected. President Dr. Deskur could not only welcome delegates from the member states, but also the representative from the Polish Ministry of Agriculture, Director Piotr Jakubowski and the president of the Polish Horse Breeders Association, Dr. Woda.

As Dr. Deskur did not want to candidate for another term of office, the newly elected president Dipl. Ing. Michal Horny, director of the Slovak National Stud Topolcianky, had the chair in this conference.

Director Piotr Jakubowski, representative of the Polish Ministry of Agriculture, thanked the HIF for having him invited to this General Assembly.

The delegates were informed that the Polish Horse Breeders Association was awarded the Source Herd Book concerning the origins of the Hucul breed and Dir. Jakubowski congratulated the HIF for its successful work.


The Polish Ministry of Agriculture had set some goals for the country:

1. increase stock of autochthonous horse breeds,

2. support horse breeding in mountainous areas especially with regard to tourism and the development of horse breeding in those regions of Poland which are mainly visited by tourists,

3. keep the Hucul horses thoroughbred with regard to protecting their genetic code in all countries breeding Huculs.


The two independent organizations HIF and PZHK (Polish Horse Breeders Association) keep the Source Herd Book together. But by being awarded the Source Herd Book a lot of financial stress could occur for breeders’ organizations which keep Stud books. Director Jakubowski guaranteed the support of the Polish Ministry ofAgriculture, which demonstrated how high horse breeding is rated in Poland.

Poland has a very strong bond and commitment with its horses and therefore will support with all means the activities planned by the HIF for the years 2004/2005.

Director Jakubowski wished all representatives good luck for their cooperation and that the Hucul horse will hopefully be kept for future generations by complying with the standards of the Stud book.

The day after, during the Spring Festival in Gladyszow, the Directors of the Slovak National Stud Topolcianky and the Polish National Stud Gladyszow, Dir. Horny and Dir. Kario signed a cooperation treaty. This was highly welcomed and applauded by the guests from the HIF member states and the representatives of Poland.

This treaty will intensify and facilitate the exchange of stud horses and brood mares, which already existed between the two countries.



HIF Work meeting in Regietow/Gladyszow/Poland on September 10, 2004 while celebrating the Hucul Days from September 10 to 12, 2004. The official representatives of the member states and President Dir. Dipl. Ing. Michal Horny, who had the chair, discussed about harmonizing performance tests for Hucul horses and the training of Breed Judges for reciprocal acknowledgement.

According to the HIFs common goal in breeding Hucul horses, an extension of the existing cooperation treaty was signed during an official ceremony on September 11, 2004 by President Horny, National Stud Topolcianky, Dir. Kario, National Stud Gladyszow, a representative of another Polish National Stud and Ing. Istvan Bodolai from the National Stud Aggtelek/Hungaria.


Meeting of the International Breeding Commission in Topolcianky from November 25 to 27, 2004

The delegates of the member states which were participating in the International Breeding Commissions meeting worked on a complementary definition concerning the following points in the Source Herd Book:


Point 1 Lineage register/Criteria of Registration
H. Lineage/Past lineages
Point 4 Stud Book
B. Structure of the Stud Book

angeführten Definition eines Zuchttieres der Rasse Huzulenpferd, folgende ergänzende Präzisierung:

The complimentary definition says the following:

Admission to the Stud Book I (Main Stud Book) as a stallion or mare of the Hucul race can only be obtained if a minimum of 5 past generations can be proved in the paternal and maternal line. The line has to be traced back completely to the founder of an acknowledged line of stallions on the one hand and to the founder of an acknowledged line of mares on the other.




1st International HIF Championate in Topolcianky on August 13 and 14, 2005

The international umbrella organization HUCUL INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION – HIF – invited entries for the 1st Championship for Hucul horses, which was organized by the Slovakian National Stud Topolcianky. This championate was already remarkable due to the participation of 130 announced Hucul horses from all member states.

There were breeding and sports competitions like – dressage and driving presentations, endurance competitions, marathon and barrel driving. A Gala program closed the competition which was outstanding and might not be seen in this assembly and quality again in the near future:

The picture taken of all the participants at the closing ceremony was the highlight. During the ceremony the champions and winners of the sports competitions were presented once again.

During his final speech, HIF host and president Dipl. Ing. Michal Horny, director of the National Stud Topolcianky mentioned the outstanding quality and achievements of the Hucul horses in all disciplines of the competition. But above all, he praised the positive and friendly atmosphere during the competition despite language problems. This event was a visible proof for the excellent work the HIF is doing.

The General Assembly which was scheduled for November 25 to 27, 2005 at Topolcianky had to be cancelled due to an early onset of winter and impassable mountain passes in the Carpathians.




General Assembly in Vatra Dornei/Romania from May 18 to 20, 2006

The Romanian delegation consisting of Dr. Blaga, Dipl. Ing. Vermesan and Dr. Todasca welcomed the representatives, delegates and directors of the National Studs from the member states. The discussions during the General Assembly went on according to the program, so there was enough time to have vivid, transnational talks in the evening.

A visit to the famous Lucina Stud was the highlight of this meeting. All stallions were presented to the International Breeding Commission, but the biggest impression was made by the herd of grazing mares and their foals on the wide mountain pastures.




Meeting of the international breeding commission in Topolcianky from March 16 to 17, 2007

One of the main topics discussed there by the delegates from the member states was the organization of a joint training for Breed Judges, based on the criteria of the Polish Source Herd Book and the HIF. The organization of joint training was scheduled for several dates. Furthermore the date and the location of the 2nd International HIF Championate 2007 were fixed.




1st HIF Seminar for Breed Judges in Topolcianky on March 15, 2008

Univ. Prof. Sandor Mihok, Hungary and Dr. Macej Jackovsky, Poland spoke about “The origin and exterior rating of Hucul horses”.

After that, the speakers demonstrated the rating of horses in the front yard of the riding hall of the Stud.

The participants receive a certificate


2nd HIF Seminar for Breed Judges in Topolcianky on April 18, 2008

Ing. Mihail Lechkun/Romania and Reg. Rat. Ing. Franz Schröder/Austria spoke about “The origin and exterior rating of Hucul horses”.

After the lecture the participants were able to rate the horses by themselves in the riding hall, then it was the speakers turn to rate. Finally the results were compared and a discussion about the different ratings and points of view was held.

The participants receive a certificate

General Assembly in Topolcianky on April 19, 2008

Comprehensive talks were held about the details of the upcoming HIF Championship in June 2008 as well as further proceedings in the training of HIF judges.




General Assembly in the guest house of the National Stud Topolcianky on April 4, 2009 One of the main topics was how to harmonize horse rating and the training of HIF judges.




General Assembly in the National Stud Topolcianky on May 8, 2010

Central subject was the standardization of the naming process, because some member states name horses after the stallion line, while others name them after the mare line.




Am 9. April 2011 fand im slowakischen Nationalgestüt Topolcianky das III. HIF-Richterseminar statt.

Univ. Prof. Dr. Sandor Mihok und Dr. Maceij Jaskowski hielten Vorlesungen über Exterieurbeurteilung und die verschiedenen Typen der Huzulenpferde vor Telnehmern aus Ungarn, Polen, Rumänien, Deutschland, Österreich, Tschechien, der Slowakei und der Ukraine. Im Anschluss daran hatten alle die Gelegenheit 8 Huzulenpferde zu bewerten.

Die Generalversammlung der HIF wurde am 10. April 2011 im Schlosshotel in Topolcianky abgehalten. Wichtige Punkte der Tagesordnung waren die Neuwahl des Vorstands und die Aufnahme des Bayerischen Zuchtverbandes für Kleinpferde und Spezialrassen e.V., der die Huzulenpferde deutschlandweit betreut, als Mitglied in die HIF.Der Bericht der Gäste aus der Ukraine, über die Situation der dort vorhandenen Zucht von Huzulenpferden, wurde von allen mit Interesse aufgenommen.



Die Sitzungen der Zuchtkommission und des Vorstands fanden vom 4. - 5. November 2011 in Topolcianky statt.




Vom 26. – 29. Juli 2012 organisierte das HIF-Mitglied Rumäniens die Generalversammlung der Hucul International Federation in der „HUZULEI“ in Sucevita.

Das Gesamtprogramm war hervorragend organisiert – es umfasste die Sitzung der internationalen Zuchtkommission unter Leitung von Uni. Prof. Dr. Sandor Mihok, eine Sitzung des Vorstands, die Generalversammlung selber, eine HIF-Richterausbildung in Theorie und Praxis und natürlich den Besuch des rumänischen Staatsgestüts Lucina.




Vom 5. – 7. Juli 2013 fanden Veranstaltungen im Rahmen der Generalversammlung der HIF in Klimkowka, Rymanow in Polen statt. Das vom Gastgeber, dem Polnischen Pferdezuchtverband, an Vielseitigkeit kaum zu übertreffende Programm umfasste neben den Sitzungen der internationalen Zuchtkommission, des erweiterten Vorstands und der Generalversammlung, den Besuch mehrerer Staatsgestüte – Gladyszow, Wolosate im Nationalpark in den Beskiden und Odrzechowa - den Besuch und Teilnahme am Championat für junge Huzulenpferde in Kolaczyce und in Rudawka-Rymanowska das Miterleben des dort jährlich stattfindenden Volksfestes mit einem „Huzulenabend“ mit polnischen und ukrainischen Volksmusikanten.